Of­fers for girls

In addition to the many offers for study orientation, the Institute of Computer Science at the Paderborn University has been committed for several years to inspiring more girls and young women to study in the MINT fields. Depending on the age group, there are various programs that take you by the hand and give you first impressions as well as a better introduction to studying. Take a look around and take advantage of one of these many exciting offers!

Paderborn University regularly participates in “Girls’ Day – Future Prospects for Girls”, a nationwide open day event for girls. On “Girls’ Day”, schoolgirls can come along to the university to find out about its STEM courses and learn about professions in which women are currently underrepresented.


Are you interested in MINT (math, computer science, natural science and technology) and are a student in middle or high school? Then join the MINT taster course at the Paderborn Universityn the first week of Easter and fall break. At the spring and fall university you have the opportunity to get a taste of "real university air" for a week, ask numerous questions about studying and get to know student life better. During this week, we offer you exciting lectures and interactive workshops from the STEM field in which you can participate and simply try out STEM.


Are you a female high school student interested in science or technology, but don't know exactly what to expect after graduating from high school? Then the female STEM mentoring program look upb is for you!

look upb offers you a practical insight into the STEM degree programs at UPB. For an entire semester, you will be mentored by a female student from a science or technology program who will show you what to expect in your studies. Together you can attend lectures and seminars and get to know the university campus, including the library, laboratories and much more. In addition, an interesting social program awaits you.

The NRW-Technikum offers young women after their (technical) high school graduation, without risk or obligation, to try out a course of study in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or technology (MINT) at the Paderborn University for 6 months (2 days/week). During this time, you will also try out a STEM profession as part of a paid company internship (3 days/week). Through the combination of theory and practice, the so-called Technikantinnen at the NRW-Technikum learn how a course of study generally works, what it actually means to study a STEM subject and what professional activities you can pursue as a mathematician, computer scientist, physicist, chemist or engineer.