Com­puter Sci­ence in Pader­born

Computer science can be found everywhere! Hardly any other field of science influences so many areas of our daily lives. We pay with EC cards in supermarkets; take pictures with our cell phones; make phone calls over the Internet; learn and work with computers; today’s cars are safer, more comfortable and friendlier to the environment; in-depth views into human anatomy improve medical diagnoses.

All of this points to the fact that computer science is at the heart of today’s modern information society. Because this scientific discipline continues to develop at a rapid pace and is making even smaller products and quicker processes possible, it is centrally important for the future of Germany’s economic competitiveness. In these times of globalization and constantly growing new demands on economics, politics and society, computer science is one of the key fields of the future. Our university education grants you the opportunity to participate in the larger world of scientific research and develop your own visions for the future.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Paderborn is a section of the university’s Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. With 17 professors we offer you not only fundamental research topics, but also the opportunity to experience highly specialized topics in computer science. We highly value close contact between our instructors and students, and our teaching methods involve small exercise groups, interactive lectures, project work, guest speaker lectures, and an English language-based course program.

For several years in a row, the Paderborn Department of Computer Science consistently holds one of the top three positions in the CHE University Ranking results. This confirms that our student support, course offerings and practically-oriented academic programs are especially excellent.

Our university currently has an enrollment of approximately 17,000 students and offers you a widely diverse campus life! The Student Services Office provides numerous accommodations nearby, and our cafeteria (Mensa) is one of the best in Germany according to a nationwide survey. The university’s athletic and cultural activities offer many different recreational activities and possibilities to get socially involved. We also host one of the largest annual university music festivals in Germany.

All of our students are granted access to our computer rooms, where several hundred well-equipped computer workstations are accessible round the clock. With your Notebook you can take advantage of the high-performance network access to log onto the campus-wide wireless network. And when you register at the university you also receive a user ID to obtain your own E-mail address, web space and other such services free of cost.

The City of Paderborn and its surroundings are excellent for spending your free time. In addition to many diverse recreational activities for students, the city has a rich cultural program and a charming atmosphere. Plenty of accommodations are still available at reasonable prices, everything is within a reasonable distance, and traveling in the greater metropolitan area of Paderborn is no problem, even without a car. With the semester bus ticket and the extra provided NRW semester ticket, you can even travel for free on the public transit system throughout all of North Rhine-Westphalia.